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English » FAQ » incotours ltd /Terms & Conditions

These terms and conditions are applied to everyone using this web site.

Incotours Limited is a limited company registered under company number 6258309  in England and Wales and whose registered office is situated at  69 Great Hampton Street, Birmingham, B18 6EW  United Kingdom and in these terms and conditions here in after called The Company, We, Us, Ours.

The Company operates under the trading name 

Incotours ltd. Travel and Tourist Services .

Notgottesweg 2,     DE-55559 Bretzenheim

The Company runs, operates and manages this web site.  The web site which You are browsing and on which these terms and conditions are displayed is herein after called The Web Site. That term ‘The Web Site’ will include any pages and other web sites operated, managed or run by The Company and linked to The Web Site. 

You are a visitor user customer or browser of the web site either in person of when some other party is acting as your agent and here in after in these terms and conditions called You, Your, Traveler, Customer or Consumer. These words shall also include the wider meaning of Consumer under The Package Travel, Package Holidays and Package Tours regulations  to include any other party who may be a beneficiary of the service.

Any action involving using, visiting or browsing or accessing any information on The Web Site will be taken as Your consent to be subject to these terms and conditions and all visiting, usage, browsing of The Web site or accessing information from The Web Site shall be conditional upon Your acceptance of these terms and conditions.  

Generally the package travel, package holidays and package tours regulations apply to packages holidays.

Under the Regulations a ‘Package is defined as, the pre-arranged combination of at least two of the following components when sold or offered for sale at an inclusive price and when the service covers a period of more than twenty-four hours or includes overnight accommodation: transport, accommodation,  other tourist services not ancillary to transport or accommodation and accounting for a significant proportion of the package.

Under the Regulations the ‘Organiser’ is defined as the person who, otherwise than occasionally, Organises Packages and sells or offers them for sale, whether directly or through a retailer.

We are not an Organisers of Packages and nor do We intend to act as Organisers of Packages as defined under the Packaged Travel, Package Holidays and Package Tours Regulations. 

We do however display details regarding ‘Packages’ put together by Organisers on The Web Site. In some cases We act as agent for selected operators and Organisers.

Under the Regulations the Contract refers to the agreement linking the Consumer to the Organiser or as the case may be and agreement with the retailer.   



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